CRUST logo About Us Job Opportunities Classifieds Mailbag CRUST logo About Us Job Opportunities Classifieds Mailbag CRUST logo About Us Job Opportunities

CRUST is an equal opportunity employer with full health care benefits and free parking.

Job 1:

Chicken? Or just nervous? Try a position in Customer Relations.

Job 2:

College Graduates: we need you to run our Valet Parking.

Job 3:

Farmers beware! Our company restaurant is looking for a new Chef.

Job 4:

Professors from around the globe will want to meet you after you've been our Bathroom Attendant.

Job 5:

Genetic impossibility? If you can type at over 90 words per minute, we need you for our Admin Department.

Job 6:

Sewage get you excited? Apply for a job in the exciting world of Plumbing.

Job 7:

Scientists agree: working in the exciting world of Space Colonization is the tops! Try an entry-level position as a Clerk in our Mail Room.

Job 8:

Experts know we seek only the best crustaceans to become Hydro-Electricians.

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