LEMOO: No, I don't mean YOU don't speak Mexican. I mean Mexican isn't the language in Mexico. It's Spanish.
NELSON: So what am I speaking in India? Mexican, Indian or Spanish? Which is it? Some kind of mix? Indican? Spandian?
LEMOO: Non, non, non! Mostly, the people you meet will be speaking Hindi and English, mon ami. Maybe some Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, and Malayalam. Plus a smattering of Kannada, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese or Kashmiri. And a spot of Sindhi.
NELSON: Why so many languages?
LEMOO: It's a big place. It's the world's biggest democracy. Over a billion people. C'est magnifique! That's French. Hey, Nelson... are you still listening to me?
NELSON: One billion. So Gita Rai really is one in a billion.