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Destination: India
presented by Nationalgeographic.com Kids
Agent Nelson
Agent Le Moo


NELSON: I said "chana" to the security guard. He said he loves garbanzo beans and he let me in. "Namaste" means "hello"! I should have known that. I've seen "Namaste Bangalore" seven times. LeMoo, I'm in. And you were right.

LEMOO: I knew it! You DO have a thing for Gita Rai!

NELSON: Yes. No. I mean about Dilip Roshan. I'm guessing he hired me to stage all these assassination attempts to get Gita Rai in the newspapers. I also found a To Do list that said, "hire Nelson and stage assassinations to get Gita Rai in newspapers."

LEMOO: We should let local law enforcement take over now. Can you get out of there before Roshan comes back?

NELSON: I'm not sure. He seems to have programmed some kind of shopping list into his alarm system