Age: 9
Location: Dartmouth, NS, Canada
Snack supplies for stakeout: Chips and granola bars
Music choice to pass the time: Avril Lavigne, Jojo, Usher and the soundtrack from Spirit the Movie.
Country description: My country is awesome. A lot of people like to go shopping! A lot of people love horses 'cause of me!
Recreation plans: I'm looking forward to all holidays!
Surveillance notes: Umm... I've seen lots of cool clothing and malls, every one gets around by: horse, car, bike, bus, skateboard, roller-blades, taxi or motorbike.
Home life after work: Small, bad paint job. I live with my mom and my cat. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, small kitchen, dinning room, and living room. Attic, middle floor and basement.
Recent movies views: I saw Spirit, Jersey Girl, Black Beauty, Annie, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Saddle Club, and Legally Blonde 2. They were all awesome!
Non-FFFBI career choice: Vet or riding teacher
Additional information: 22 kids live on my street. And, come to CANADA!